Concise Minutes - Remuneration Board

Meeting Venue:

Conference Room A - Tŷ Hywel

Meeting date: Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Meeting time: 13.42 - 17.23





Board members:

Rt Hon Dame Dawn Primarolo (Chair)

Ronnie Alexander

Trevor Reaney

Michael Redhouse

Dame Jane Roberts


Adrian Crompton, Director of Assembly Business

Anna Daniel, Head of Strategic Transformation

Donna Davies, Head of Pensions

Rebecca Hardwicke, Head of Members' Business Support

Helen Jones, Senior Research Officer

Carys Rees, Members' HR Business Partner

Matthew Richards, Head of Legal Services

Clerking team:

Daniel Collier, Acting Clerk

Sian Giddins, Deputy Clerk

Lleu Williams, Clerk



1         Chair's introduction

1.1 The Chair welcomed the Board members to the meeting. On behalf of the Board, the Chair congratulated Ronnie Alexander on his appointment to the Board and welcomed him to his first Board meeting.


1.2 The Chair welcomed Lleu Williams who had been appointed the new Clerk of the Remuneration Board. The Chair also offered the Board’s thanks to Dan Collier for his work on behalf of the Board and congratulated him on a recent promotion.


1.3 The Board agreed the minute of the meeting on 24 May 2017.


1.4 The Board noted its work programme for the remainder of 2017 and its meeting dates up to March 2019. The Board agreed to use both the October and November 2017 meeting dates.


1.5 The Board agreed to formally invite the Chair of the Expert Panel on Assembly Electoral Reform to its meeting in October 2017 to discuss the issues which may relate to the Board’s future work in developing a Determination which is fit for the Sixth Assembly.


1.6 The Secretariat informed the Board a paper outlining the process Members Business Support use in administrating claims would be provided at the Board’s October meeting.


1.7 The Board discussed the process for reviewing the security of Members’ offices and homes and asked the Secretariat to remind Members of the services available to them.


1.8 The Board passed on their condolences to the families of Sam Gould, Senior Advisor to Nathan Gill AM, and Ben Davies, Deputy Chief of Staff for the Welsh Conservatives, following their loss.


1.9 The Board noted the question which was asked to the Assembly Questions on 5 July and agreed to consider the role of paid internships with Assembly Members as part of its wider review of support for Members


Action points:

The secretariat to

-     publish the minutes of the 24 May meeting;

-     invite the Chair of the Expert Panel on Assembly Electoral Reform to the Board’s meeting in October 2017;

-     prepare a paper outlining the process Members Business Support use in administrating claims; and

-     remind Members of the services available to them with regard to security reviews.




2         Item for decision: Review of the Actuarial Valuation of the Assembly Members' Pension Scheme

2.1 The Board considered the paper on the review of the Actuarial Valuation of the Assembly Members' Pension Scheme.


2.2 The Board confirmed they were content with the higher Commission contribution rate and agreed to inform the Scheme Actuary, who has sets the Commission contribution rate.


Action point:

The secretariat to inform the Scheme Actuary of the Board’s views.




3         Item for discussion: Consider the results of the survey to Members and Support Staff on the effectiveness of the Determination

3.1 The Board considered the results of the survey to Members and Support Staff on the effectiveness of the Determination and agreed to:

-     publish a summary of the results to the Board’s website and bring this summary to the attention of the Expert Panel on Assembly Electoral Reform; and

-     consider the results of the survey as part of its review into Assembly Member Support Staff career structure and their terms and conditions.


Action points:

The secretariat agreed to:

-     incorporate the relevant results into future scoping papers, for the example the review into Assembly Member Support Staff career structure; and

-     publish a summary report of the results.
